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Poker's Endless Journey Reaches Further than Online Casino

Who could have guessed that an old game, originating way back in the 16th century, played on boats amongst outlaws and thieves, would turn out to be the longest lasting and most popular invention in the gambling arena. Translating to modern times, no respected online casinos dare prevent the pleasures of this ultimate online casino game from its players. With its new exciting versions, poker is also on the rise at the online casino world.
Johnny Chan and Miami John Cernuto are just some of the big names at the poker world enjoying quite a celebrity status similar to that of known athletes. Poker is more than a gambling game, it's considered to be a form of sport. It's in fact the third most watched sports on cable Television trailing only behind auto-racing and football. With over 50 million hooked in the US, a rough estimate of one in five Americans play poker. Just imagine how many do it through the more reclusive form of online casino.
Various online casinos offer annual tournaments with hefty prizes. More recent developments allow the online casino gamblers to play poker not only with a live dealer presented on their screen but also with other gamblers from all over the world. This exciting prospect allows people from different places and cultures, who would have otherwise never had the chance to meet, to congregate online around one poker table. That's online casino contribution to world diplomacy! Bottom line being that through the many forms available hand in hand with the growing online casino and further advancements of modern times, there is no denying the fact that Poker is here to stay.


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